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ZHANG Qiang, LI Jing, LIU Yue, CHU Xiaoqin. Study on the mechanism of Medicoscab tincture in treating second-degree burns based on network pharmacology and molecular docking technology[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service. doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202307014
Citation: ZHANG Qiang, LI Jing, LIU Yue, CHU Xiaoqin. Study on the mechanism of Medicoscab tincture in treating second-degree burns based on network pharmacology and molecular docking technology[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service. doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202307014

Study on the mechanism of Medicoscab tincture in treating second-degree burns based on network pharmacology and molecular docking technology

doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202307014
  • Received Date: 2023-07-05
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-07-01
  •   Objective   To explore the mechanism of Medicoscab tincture in the treatment of second-degree burns based on network pharmacology and molecular docking technology.   Methods   The effective components of the tincture were screened by the TCMSP; the effective components of the tincture and burn related targets were screened by GeneCards and OMIM database; Cytoscape 3.7.2 software was used to draw "Chinese medicine-disease-effective components-targets" network diagram; the related gene ontology (GO) functions and pathways of the tincture were obtained through GO enrichment analysis and Kyoto encyclo-pedia of genes and geomes(KEGG)pathway analysis on the targets through Metascape platform; the pathway bubble diagram was constructed by the pathways enriched in the KEGG database, and finally verified by AutoDockTools for molecular alignment.   Results  19 effective components and 179 target intersections of Medicoscab tincture were selected. GO analysis showed the intervention burns process mainly involved the reaction of inorganic substances, the reaction of cells to nitrogen compounds, and the response to xenobiotic stimuli, as well as biological processes such as membrane rafts, vesicular cavities, transcriptional regulatory factor complexes, receptor complexes, and endoplasmic reticulum cavities. KEGG analysis showed the function mainly includes AGE-RAGE signal pathway, PI3K-Akt signal pathway, IL-17 signal pathway, TNF signal pathway, etc. Analysis of cytoscape software showed the core targets were AKT1, TNF, IL-6, GAPDH, TP53, etc. Molecular docking showed that the active components of Medicoscab tincture were docking with multiple targets, among which β- sitosterol had strong binding activity with AKT1, GAPDH and TP53.   Conclusion   Quercetin, kaempferol, baicalein, β-sitosterol and other core active ingredients in the tincture of making scabs, which could assist in the relief of burns, regulate the signalling pathways such as AGE-RAGE, PI3K-Akt, IL-17, TNF and so on by acting on the targets of AKT1, GAPDH, TP53, IL-6 and so on. This study lays a theoretical foundation for clarifying the mechanism of action of tincture of scab making for the treatment of burn-like diseases.
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Study on the mechanism of Medicoscab tincture in treating second-degree burns based on network pharmacology and molecular docking technology

doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202307014

Abstract:   Objective   To explore the mechanism of Medicoscab tincture in the treatment of second-degree burns based on network pharmacology and molecular docking technology.   Methods   The effective components of the tincture were screened by the TCMSP; the effective components of the tincture and burn related targets were screened by GeneCards and OMIM database; Cytoscape 3.7.2 software was used to draw "Chinese medicine-disease-effective components-targets" network diagram; the related gene ontology (GO) functions and pathways of the tincture were obtained through GO enrichment analysis and Kyoto encyclo-pedia of genes and geomes(KEGG)pathway analysis on the targets through Metascape platform; the pathway bubble diagram was constructed by the pathways enriched in the KEGG database, and finally verified by AutoDockTools for molecular alignment.   Results  19 effective components and 179 target intersections of Medicoscab tincture were selected. GO analysis showed the intervention burns process mainly involved the reaction of inorganic substances, the reaction of cells to nitrogen compounds, and the response to xenobiotic stimuli, as well as biological processes such as membrane rafts, vesicular cavities, transcriptional regulatory factor complexes, receptor complexes, and endoplasmic reticulum cavities. KEGG analysis showed the function mainly includes AGE-RAGE signal pathway, PI3K-Akt signal pathway, IL-17 signal pathway, TNF signal pathway, etc. Analysis of cytoscape software showed the core targets were AKT1, TNF, IL-6, GAPDH, TP53, etc. Molecular docking showed that the active components of Medicoscab tincture were docking with multiple targets, among which β- sitosterol had strong binding activity with AKT1, GAPDH and TP53.   Conclusion   Quercetin, kaempferol, baicalein, β-sitosterol and other core active ingredients in the tincture of making scabs, which could assist in the relief of burns, regulate the signalling pathways such as AGE-RAGE, PI3K-Akt, IL-17, TNF and so on by acting on the targets of AKT1, GAPDH, TP53, IL-6 and so on. This study lays a theoretical foundation for clarifying the mechanism of action of tincture of scab making for the treatment of burn-like diseases.

ZHANG Qiang, LI Jing, LIU Yue, CHU Xiaoqin. Study on the mechanism of Medicoscab tincture in treating second-degree burns based on network pharmacology and molecular docking technology[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service. doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202307014
Citation: ZHANG Qiang, LI Jing, LIU Yue, CHU Xiaoqin. Study on the mechanism of Medicoscab tincture in treating second-degree burns based on network pharmacology and molecular docking technology[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service. doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202307014
  • 烧伤通常指热力造成的的组织损伤,以皮肤和黏膜损伤为主,严重时甚至会伤及皮下或黏膜下组织[1,2]。皮肤是身体中最大的器官,当患者处于深Ⅱ度烧伤时,其需要足够的皮肤移植来治疗创面,但当前所用的表皮替代品和上皮移植因存在排异反应而疗效有限[3]



    • 在TCMSP(上以“黄柏”、“黄芩”、“儿茶”、“冰片”为关键词进行检索,以类药性(DL)≥ 0.18,口服生物利用度(OB)≥30%作为筛选标准,得到制痂酊的有效活性成分。


    • 以“burn”为关键词,分别在OMMI数据库(、GeneCards数据库(https://www.genecar ds.or/)和DisGeNET数据库(中进行检索,在此基础上将获得的疾病相关靶点整合并去重复,然后通过Uniprot数据库对其名称进行标准统一化[7]。利用网站Jvenn(http://bioinfo.genotoul. fr/jvenn.)绘制VENN图,获得制痂酊治疗烧伤的潜在干预靶点[8,9]

    • 将“1.2”项中的潜在干预靶点和药物、疾病相关信息一起导入Cytoscape中,构建出制痂酊有效成分-靶点-疾病信息网络[10]

    • 将“1.2”项中的潜在干预靶点导入STRING11.5数据库(,得到交集靶点蛋白互作(PPI)网络关系,然后将数据导入Cytoscape软件进行可视化分析[11],利用“Network Analyzer”功能获得PPI拓扑学参数,筛选潜在核心靶点[12]

    • 利用Metascape数据库(进行GO和KEGG通路富集分析。将获取的GO功能富集分析(前10条)和KEGG通路分析(前20条)信息分别绘制出富集气泡图和柱状图[13]

    • 将KEGG富集得到的前20条通路与“1.2”项中得到的潜在干预靶点和药物、疾病相关信息一起导入Cytoscape中,构建出制痂酊的“有效成分-靶点-疾病”通路信息网络[14]

    • 分别选取Cytoscape软件分析结果中度值前5位的有效成分与潜在作用靶点,先在TCMSP数据库和PCSD PDB数据库(搜索下载小分子化合物和蛋白质的3D结构,再通过AutoDock软件为小分子加氢、加ROOT,为蛋白剔除水分子、加氢等,然后选中所有活性位点,通过AutoDockTools设置对接盒子进行分子对接,最后利用Pymol软件渲染图片并输出结果[15]

    • 在筛选条件下,黄柏6个有效成分,黄芩5个有效成分,儿茶5个有效成分,冰片3个有效成分。删除重复项后纳入制痂酊有效成分共19个(表1)。

      药物 分子ID 活性成分 OB(%) DL
      黄柏 MOL001454 小檗碱 36.86 0.78
      黄柏 MOL001458 黄连碱 30.67 0.86
      黄柏 MOL002636 Kihadalactone A 34.21 0.82
      黄柏 MOL013352 黄柏酮 43.29 0.77
      黄柏 MOL002641 异黄柏苷 35.86 0.44
      黄柏 MOL000358 β-谷甾醇 36.91 0.75
      黄芩 MOL001689 刺槐素 34.97 0.24
      黄芩 MOL000173 汉黄芩素 30.68 0.23
      黄芩 MOL000228 (2R)-7-羟基-5-甲氧基-2-
      55.23 0.2
      黄芩 MOL002714 黄芩素 33.52 0.21
      黄芩 MOL002908 5,8,2'-三羟基-7-甲氧基黄酮 37.01 0.27
      儿茶 MOL002914 黄烷酮 41.35 0.24
      儿茶 MOL000422 山柰酚 41.88 0.24
      儿茶 MOL000492 (+)-儿茶素 54.83 0.24
      儿茶 MOL000073 表儿茶素 48.96 0.24
      儿茶 MOL000098 槲皮素 46.43 0.28
      冰片 MOL006861 积雪草酸 41.38 0.71
      冰片 MOL006862 乙酸龙脑酯 59.3 0.51
      冰片 MOL006865 龙脑香醇酮 41.71 0.76
    • 在OMMI数据库(、GeneCards数据库(https://www.genecar ds.or/)和DisGeNET数据库(中进行检索,将先前从数据库所获得的疾病相关靶点进行去重处理,最终得到烧伤靶点3 280个。将制痂酊中活性成分相对应靶点基因与疾病靶点基因结合,得到交集,得到179个关键蛋白,并绘制韦恩图(图1)。

    • 凭借STRING数据库进行PPI网络分析,共得到179个节点、3 602条边,平均节点度40.2(图2)。利用“Cytoscape”软件中“CytoNCA”功能得到其介数中心性、接近中心性、度值[16],通过筛选得到潜在核心靶点(表2)。

    • GO功能富集分析主要涉及无机物质反应、细胞对氮化合物反应以及对异种刺激的响应等生物学过程。对GO-BP、GO-MF、GO-CC前10条信息利用网络平台绘制出柱状图(图3[17]。KEGG通路分析得到154条通路,筛选得到前20条通路进行气泡图绘制(图4)。

    • 将信息导入Cytoscape,构建出制痂酊有效成分-靶点-疾病通路信息网络(图5)。该网络说明制痂酊通过多组分、多靶点、多环节发挥对烧伤的治疗作用。

    • 以分子对接技术进行验证,通过Cytoscape筛选出制痂酊中活性化合物度值最大的前5个成分,按照度值选择其中5个与PPI网络中度值排名前5的基因(AKT1、GAPDH、TP53、TNF、IL-6)进行分子对接试验,验证其相互作用活性,若结合能<−20.92 kJ/mol,表示具有较好的结合活性,若结合能<−29.30 kJ/mol,表示具有强烈的结合活性[18]。结果显示,β-谷甾醇与AKT1、TNF、GAPDH有强烈的结合活性;槲皮素、山柰酚与AKT1、TP53具有较好的结合活性;汉黄芩素和黄芩素与5个基因都具有较好的结合活性(表3)。化合物的结构如下(图6),将结合活性高的利用Pymol软件绘制并输出对接图片(图7)。

      核心靶点 槲皮素 山柰酚 汉黄芩素 黄芩素 β−谷甾醇
      AKT1 −25.10 −25.15 −25.86 −25.48 −31.88
      TNF −20.92 −20.92 −21.13 −23.26 −32.30
      IL−6 −18.99 −23.14 −21.13 −23.60 −28.66
      GAPDH −22.68 −21.01 −26.28 −24.43 −33.60
      TP53 −22.05 −26.36 −32.01 −27.99 −28.24
    • 本研究通过网络药理学手段,构建制痂酊生物信息学网络,初步探究其对烧伤创面愈合的功效机理。制痂酊治疗烧伤的成分主要有槲皮素、山柰酚、汉黄芩素以及β-谷甾醇等。槲皮素能抑制TGF-β1和TGF-βRI蛋白表达,抗机体纤维化,在角膜碱烧伤后抑制瘢痕形成方面有积极的作用[19]。同时,槲皮素可以减少炎性因子(IL-1、IL-6、IL-10)的表达[20],其抗氧化作用对烧伤后的黏膜也具有一定的保护作用[21]。山柰酚也具有优异的抗炎抗氧化作用,同时还能有效抑菌,防止外伤感染[22]。汉黄芩素有显著的抗炎、抗氧化应激、抗肿瘤等多种作用[23]。β-谷甾醇在抗氧化、抗血脂、抗炎、免疫调节等方面表现出良好的药理作用,可使创面去腐生肌并快速愈合[24]。此外,β-谷甾醇可以治疗多种疾病,如高脂血症、类风湿性关节炎、免疫抑制、前列腺增生、脱发、烧伤等[25]




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