Optimization of extraction technology for Toufu irrigation by orthogonal test
摘要: 目的 优化透肤洗剂的提取工艺,提高透肤洗剂的质量。 方法 采用正交试验法,以加水量、提取时间、提取次数为考察因素,以苦参碱的含量为考察指标,优化提取工艺。 结果 最佳提取工艺的加水量是饮片量的8倍,提取2次,每次90 min。 结论 该工艺合理可行、稳定性好,可保证制剂质量。Abstract: Objective To optimize the extraction process and improve the quality of Toufu irrigation. Methods Matrine assay was selected to be the indicator for the extraction efficacy. Orthogonal test was used to determine the optimal water amount, extraction time and extraction frequency. Results The best extraction process was to extract 90 minutes twice with the water amount 8 times of the dry herbal material by weight. Conclusion This process is feasible and repeatable. It can be used for the quality control of the preparation.
Key words:
- Toufu irrigation /
- matrine /
- orthogonal test
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