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徐岩成 方一杰 阎澜 姜远英 曹永兵

徐岩成, 方一杰, 阎澜, 姜远英, 曹永兵. 降脂药物的肝脏毒性及其防治策略研究进展[J]. 药学实践与服务, 2014, 32(6): 412-415,464. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-0111.2014.06.004
引用本文: 徐岩成, 方一杰, 阎澜, 姜远英, 曹永兵. 降脂药物的肝脏毒性及其防治策略研究进展[J]. 药学实践与服务, 2014, 32(6): 412-415,464. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-0111.2014.06.004
XU Yancheng, FANG Yijie, YAN Lan, JIANG Yuanying, CAO Yongbing. Progress on the hepatotoxicity of lipid-lowering drugs and its prevention strategies[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2014, 32(6): 412-415,464. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-0111.2014.06.004
Citation: XU Yancheng, FANG Yijie, YAN Lan, JIANG Yuanying, CAO Yongbing. Progress on the hepatotoxicity of lipid-lowering drugs and its prevention strategies[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2014, 32(6): 412-415,464. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-0111.2014.06.004


doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-0111.2014.06.004

Progress on the hepatotoxicity of lipid-lowering drugs and its prevention strategies

  • 摘要: 肝脏毒性是降血脂药物治疗常见的毒副作用之一,其发生机制尚不完全清楚,大多数降血脂药物的毒副作用都是剂量依赖性的,而且在停药后都有明显的缓解与改善。高龄以及慢性疾病等都是诱发降血脂药物肝脏毒性的潜在因素。降血脂药物的肝脏损伤治疗暂无统一规范,临床应对策略以停药、非特异性保肝和对症治疗为主。研发低毒性或具有保肝作用的降血脂药物,尤其是中药及中药制剂是一个具有良好前景的发展方向。
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  • 收稿日期:  2013-10-29
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doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-0111.2014.06.004

摘要: 肝脏毒性是降血脂药物治疗常见的毒副作用之一,其发生机制尚不完全清楚,大多数降血脂药物的毒副作用都是剂量依赖性的,而且在停药后都有明显的缓解与改善。高龄以及慢性疾病等都是诱发降血脂药物肝脏毒性的潜在因素。降血脂药物的肝脏损伤治疗暂无统一规范,临床应对策略以停药、非特异性保肝和对症治疗为主。研发低毒性或具有保肝作用的降血脂药物,尤其是中药及中药制剂是一个具有良好前景的发展方向。

English Abstract

徐岩成, 方一杰, 阎澜, 姜远英, 曹永兵. 降脂药物的肝脏毒性及其防治策略研究进展[J]. 药学实践与服务, 2014, 32(6): 412-415,464. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-0111.2014.06.004
引用本文: 徐岩成, 方一杰, 阎澜, 姜远英, 曹永兵. 降脂药物的肝脏毒性及其防治策略研究进展[J]. 药学实践与服务, 2014, 32(6): 412-415,464. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-0111.2014.06.004
XU Yancheng, FANG Yijie, YAN Lan, JIANG Yuanying, CAO Yongbing. Progress on the hepatotoxicity of lipid-lowering drugs and its prevention strategies[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2014, 32(6): 412-415,464. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-0111.2014.06.004
Citation: XU Yancheng, FANG Yijie, YAN Lan, JIANG Yuanying, CAO Yongbing. Progress on the hepatotoxicity of lipid-lowering drugs and its prevention strategies[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2014, 32(6): 412-415,464. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-0111.2014.06.004
参考文献 (37)


