Study on extraction technology and ultraviolet absorption of sunscreen constituents from aloe
摘要: 目的 优选芦荟防晒成分最佳提取工艺。 方法 采用紫外分光光度法检测芦荟提取液在波长200~400 nm各区间的紫外吸收率,采用高效液相色谱法测定芦荟苷含量。分别以芦荟提取液紫外吸收率、芦荟苷提取量、浸膏得率为指标,对超声波提取工艺进行单因素考察,并采用L9(34)正交试验优选芦荟防晒成分提取工艺。 结果 芦荟提取液在UVA、UVB、UVC波段内对紫外线有较强的吸收作用。芦荟提取液的最佳提取工艺为:乙醇浓度50%,料液比1:30,超声时间30 min,超声温度30℃。 结论 芦荟提取液在紫外各区间均有较强吸光能力,具有很好的广谱防晒能力。超声波提取法具有提取率高、时间短等优点,可用于芦荟防晒成分的提取。Abstract: Objective To optimize the extraction technology of aloe. Methods The samples were scanned from 200 to 400 nm by ultraviolet spectrophotometry, then the average ultraviolet absorption was calculated in UVC, UVB and UVA. The quantity of aloin was determined by HPLC. With ultraviolet absorption, aloin content and extraction rate as indexes, the single factor tests and orthogonal experimental design tests L9(34)were applied to investigate the influence of each factor during ultrasonic extraction. Results The extraction of aloe had strong UV absorption effect in the whole UV range. The optimal conditions for extracting were as follows:50% ethanol concentration, 1:30 solid-liquid ration, 30 min and 30℃ ultrasound extraction. Conclusion The extraction of aloe had good ability of ultraviolet absorption and broad-spectrum sun protection. Ultrasonic wave extraction had high extraction yield and required short time which could be used to extract sunscreen formulation from aloe.
Key words:
- aloe /
- aloin /
- orthogonal design /
- ultraviolet radiation(UVR)
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