Effects of total aglycone of centella asiatica on depressed rats by chronic unpredicted mild stress
摘要: 目的 观察积雪草总苷元对慢性应激抑郁大鼠行为学及血浆皮质醇(CORT)和促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)的影响。 方法 采用长期慢性不可预知应激刺激制备慢性应激抑郁模型,通过旷场试验,测定大鼠的行为,以液体消耗实验中糖水消耗量、糖水偏爱百分比作为快感缺乏的客观指标。放射免疫分析方法测定血浆CORT、ACTH 浓度。 结果 慢性应激抑郁大鼠敞箱实验中的水平运动、垂直运动得分显著减少,中央格停留时间显著延长,糖水偏爱度明显下降,且其血浆CORT和ACTH含量增加。积雪草总苷元显著改善慢性应激抑郁大鼠模型的行为学和神经内分泌变化,垂直运动得分增加,血浆CORT、ACTH 含量降低。 结论 积雪草总苷元具有抗抑郁活性,与改善下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴功能相关。Abstract: Objective To investigate effects of total aglycone of centella asiatica on depressed rats and study plasma levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol (CORT). Methods The chronic mild stress depressed rats were produced by long-term unpredicted mild stress. The behavior of rats was detected by open field test. Objective index of anhedonia were sucrose water consumption and preference percentage of sucrose water in liquid consumption test. The levels of plasma ACTH and CORT were measured by radioimmunoassay. Results The depressed rats experienced less squares crossed, rears in the open-field test. Sucrose consumption in the sucrose preference test decreased significantly. The concentration of plasma ACTH and CORT significantly increased in stress-model rats compared to the control rats. The behavioral disorders and the levels of plasma ACTH and CORT of rats were improved by total aglycone of centella asiatica significantly. Conclusion Total aglycone of centella asiatica had anti-depressant effects, and which mechanism might be related to the improvement of hypothalamus-pituitary gland-adrenal glands axis function.
Key words:
- total aglycone of centella asiatica /
- depression /
- corticosteroid /
- adrenocorticotropin
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